Cermel GardenGate Limit Break of Lore


Am Ch Shield Crest Bodyguard x Cermel GardenGate Sugar N Spice of Lore

Vincen earned his UKC Elite Nosework title! Jan 12, 2025.

Vincen ranked #4 Top Dog in ABIDS Urban Rat Race for all of 2024!

Vincen at a UKC nosework trial, October 2023.

UKC Nosework Trial, July 2024.
Vincen earned his Novice HD, Advanced HD and Master Nosework titles!

ABIDS Urban Rat Race trial, June 2024.
Vincen earned High in Trial for the second time!

ABIDS Country Rat Race trial, October 2024.
Vincen using his nose to locate a rat!

UKC Handler Discrimination trial, July 2024.

Vincen's first CKC Scent Detection trial.

Vincen's ribbons earned in 2024!

Vincen's ribbons earned in 2023!

Titles earned:

United Kennel Club - Nosework:
EN - Elite Nosework
EV - Elite Vehicle
EC - Elite Container
EE - Elite Exterior
MN - Master Nosework
ME - Master Exterior
MV - Master Vehicle
AHD - Advanced Handler Discrimination
NHD - Novice Handler Discrimination
SN - Superior Nosework
SV - Superior Vehicle
NNCH - Novice Nosework Champion
MC - Master Container
SE - Superior Exterior
AN - Advanced Nosework
AV - Advanced Vehicle
MI - Master Interior
SC - Superior Container
SI - Superior Interior
AC - Advanced Container
NN - Novice Nosework
NC - Novice Container
AI - Advanced Interior
NV - Novice Vehicle
NI - Novice Interior
AE - Advanced Exterior
NE - Novice Exterior

All Breed International Performance - Urban Rat Race:

Vincen ranked #4 Top Dog in ABIDS Urban Rat Race for all of 2024!

URR-IU - Investigator Unobstructed
URR-CUCH - Clever Ultimate Champion
URR-ACH - Adventurer Champion
URR-EGCH - Explorer Grand Champion
URR-CSCH - Clever Supreme Champion
URR-ECH - Explorer Champion
URR-DRD - Detective Rat Dog
URR-DT - Detective Tubes
URR-RUCH - Rookie Ultimate Champion
URR-CGCH - Clever Grand Champion
URR-DU - Detective Unobstructed
URR-RSCH - Rookie Supreme Champion
URR-IO - Investigator Obstructed
URR-DO - Detective Obstructed
URR-ERD - Explorer Rat Dog
URR-ET - Explorer Tubes
URR-EU - Explorer Unobstructed
URR-CCH - Clever Champion
URR-RGCH - Rookie Grand Champion
URR-EO - Explorer Obstructed
URR-ARD - Adventurer Rat Dog
URR-AU - Adventurer Unobstructed
URR-AT - Adventurer Tubes
URR-RCH - Rookie Champion
URR-AO - Adventurer Obstructed
URR-CRD - Clever Rat Dog
URR-CT - Clever Tubes
URR-CO - Clever Obstructed
URR-CU - Clever Unobstructed
URR-RRD - Rookie Rat Dog
URR-RO - Rookie Obstructed
URR-RU - Rookie Unobstructed
URR-RT - Rookie Tubes

All Breed International Performance - Country Rat Race:
CRR-H - Huntsman
CH.CRR-S - Scouts Champion
CRR-S - Scouts
CRR-CT - Cubs Test

Do More With Your Dog - Tricks:
TDCH-M - Champion Masters Trick Dog
TDROM - Trick Dog Register of Merit
TDCH - Trick Dog Champion
ETD-M - Expert Masters Trick Dog
ATD-M - Advanced Masters Trick Dog
ITD-M - Intermediate Masters Trick Dog
NTD-M - Novice Masters Trick Dog
ETD - Expert Trick Dog
ATD - Advanced Trick Dog
ITD - Intermediate Trick Dog
NTD - Novice Trick Dog

Canadian Kennel Club - Scent Detection:
SDN - Scent Detection Novice

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