Bradshaw At Tries Delight CKC titles:RN, RA, PCD, CD (including a High in Trial award), AG, AGJ, AGS, AJS, AGI, AGIJ, AGIS, AGIJS, HIC. AAC Titles ADC, SGDC, AAD, AGDC, MADC, MGDC, MJDC, MSDC, MSCDC, ATChC (Agility Trial Champion), ExSt Bronze, ExSc Bronze, Bronze Award of Merit) "Blizzard" Windfall Blaksmith ex Marjorie
Watch a Youtube video of Blizzard in action here. Blizzard is a great performance girl! Loved and handled by Kelly Doner . Co Bred by Laurie Bogaert (Bradshaw) & Cyndy Ermel (Cermel Shelties) third not mentioned Blizzard & Kelly at FCI Worlds (YouTube) Blizzard has trained at |